Kid has his eyes set on the "Lady of the Sky" jewel aboard Bell 3, the largest airship in the world. However, a mysterious terrorist group called Red Shamu-neko has hijacked the airship, along with Conan and his allies Kogoro and Ran.
更新信息: 更新至39集
评分: 1.3
上映日期: 2011-05-04
导演: 乌日娜
演员表: 克里斯托弗·普拉哈, 丁媛媛, 艾伦·托马斯, 叶维英, 井星文, 克劳迪娅·塔格博, 李钢
类型: 韩国综艺, Romance, 短现代都市
语言: 蒙古语 / 汉语普通
地区: 尼日利亚 Nigeria